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Hair transplant

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Hair transplant

Nowadays, the hair transplant using the FUE method (Follicular Unite Extraction) is the most innovative therapeutic option to recover hair naturally and definitively. It is a minimally invasive surgery that offers natural and functional results with the least risk of leaving a residual scar in the donor area.
The procedure consists of the implantation of the patient's own hair as follicular units in the area of alopecia. These follicular units are previously extracted one by one from the donor area, which is generally located in the back of the head. After the intervention, the implanted hair begins to grow naturally in the area of alopecia, preserving its original properties. and functional. The implanted hair is completely functional, it can be combed, cut, dyed, or left to the desired length, etc.
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and through the application of local anesthesia, which thus guarantees a rapid recovery and allows an immediate return to daily life. Depending on the degree of hair loss and the area of alopecia to be covered, more than one session may be considered to optimize the desired results.

Hair transplant can be performed in different regions of the body with natural functional results. The most common treated areas are:

  • Eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Beard
  • Mustache
  • Pubic area
  • Scars
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Natural and Definitive Result

The FUE method hair transplant (Follicular Unite Extraction) is the most effective and innovative surgical method for hair restoration, being a definitive solution for hair loss.

Ambulatory procedure

The FUE method is a minimally invasive technique, which is performed on an outpatient basis with the application of local anesthesia. In addition, FUE microsurgery is a very selective technique for each follicular unit that is performed through millimeter incisions to extract the hair follicles, all of which leads to a completely painless and well-tolerated intervention by patients.

Conservative Surgery

An important point for hair transplant surgery is the maximum conservation of the hair donation area, which is limited in number of hairs, being considered the reserve area and the only source of follicular units for future hair follicles. This objective is possible with the FUE technique where we can preserve the donation area without affecting the hair density in a visible way, in addition to maintaining the normal laxity of the skin without the feeling of tightness after the procedure, compared to other techniques such as FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) where a strip of scalp is removed by cutting the donation area to extract the follicular units, leaving a residual scar and affecting the laxity of the scalp.

Fast Recovery

The FUE hair transplant produces the least impact on the dermis of the scalp, which leads to a rapid recovery to the activities of daily life. In addition, in a matter of days any surgery in this area is almost imperceptible.


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