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What treatments does Full Face Rejuvenation include?

Full Face Rejuvenation is the procedure that allows the face to be shaped and rejuvenated without surgery, taking advantage of the benefits of aesthetic medicine, which offers treatments with excellent results, adapting to the clinical conditions and expectations of each patient.
Full Face rejuvenation or also known as "facial remodeling without a scalpel" is a procedure that, through minimally invasive treatments, allows the facial region to be remodeled and rejuvenated on an outpatient basis
The treatment consists in improving each of the facial structures through the combination of different techniques and products. It is one of the most demanded treatments in facial aesthetic medicine, whose ultimate goal is to harmonize the facial complex, which also includes the neck.
Full Face Rejuvenation
Full Face Facial Rejuvenation treatment

What treatments does Full Face Rejuvenation include?

Full Face Rejuvenation brings together different aesthetic treatments and procedures, which are selected based on the therapeutic needs of each patient. The most commonly used procedures include the following:

Infiltrations with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is used as a filler material and as a collagen stimulator, in different strategic points, such as the nasolabial fold, corner of the lips, mandibular arch, chin, peri-ocular region, cheekbones, and nose.

Botox treatment

Botox relaxes the muscles, achieving a reduction in wrinkles and expression lines on the forehead, crow's feet and between the eyebrows.

Tension threads

The tensor threads are used to offer a tensor effect on the structure where skin flaccidity occurs, such as the tail of the eyebrow, neck region and cheekbones.

It should be noted that not all cases are the same and the application of the most appropriate treatment depends on many factors, such as the patient's age or clinical conditions. For this reason, it is especially important to analyze each case and plan personalized treatment based on the objectives to be achieved.


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